Mike Murphy, one of the architects of the successful Davis recall, gives this effort at best a 1 in 3 chance at success.

I don't like Murphy myself, but I do think this was an enlightening discussion


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Why people don't tell Biden to stop bringing Beau up all the time is beyond me. The way he goes on, I am sure many Americans assume he fought and died in Iraq. But he served as a lawyer in an office in Iraq and died of cancer here in the US. As far as I know Beau had a lot going for him. His father's attempts to make him into something he was not -- a martyr, a war hero who never fought or a saint, it is not clear what -- are painful to hear and watch. It implies the real Beau Biden was lacking and must be pumped up by his father's lies and mythmaking attempts.

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I see that somebody finally spoke up in a national publication about this.

The Daily Mail has an article about a Bush speechwriter telling Biden to stop bringing up Beau:

"Mr. Biden is not a Gold Star father and should stop playing one on TV,’ William McGurn wrote last week in an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal.

McGurn wrote that Beau Biden was deployed to Iraq and worked as a military lawyer. Beau died of brain cancer that the president believes was caused by exposure to toxic chemicals at burn pits in Iraq.

Biden’s invoking of his late son to justify his decision to remove soldiers from Afghanistan was out of place because Beau Biden did not die in combat and was never deployed to the country, according to McGurn."

So Biden has been called out. Let us see if he stops.


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It's disgusting how Biden drags out dead Beau's spirit to manipulate the public's emotions. Biden ought to let it rest. As I used to say to my kids repeatedly, "It's not always about YOU."

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You forgot, Biden saying, "I reversed every Executive Order, edict and regulation of The Evil Orange One. I forgot to change Bagram or the withdrawal schedule."

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